Carpenter Drilling

    At Carpenter Drilling the way we define ourselves is by sticking by our values and providing quality customer service with integrity, hard work and by always doing the right thing. We know that our reputation is shaped by our history and defined by the opportunities we create. Once you have worked with Carpenter Drilling you will find that you have found a friend that will help support your business needs.


    Restore vs. Bore a New Hole?

    - There are three good reasons to restore rather than bore a new hole.
    - Restoring an existing well can cost a fraction of creating a new well.
    - Depending on the size of the well, the well restoration process can restore your water supply much quicker than boring a new hole. If you bore a new well, then the existing well structure will still have to be decommissioned. This doubles your footprint on the environment and increases the cost.

    Do it yourself vs. Professionals?

    - Professionals have the proper equipment, materials and techniques
    - You could unwittingly introduce bacteria or other contamination into the well.

    Why well maintenance? ...And what to do:

    - Create a well maintenance log.
    - Set a well maintenance schedule.

    Preventative maintenance:

    - Is less costly in the long run
    - Keeps small easily remedied problems from becoming large costly problems

    A well maintenance check-up should include:

    - A flow test to determine system output
    - Inspection of well equipment
    - A water test


    - Chlorine can serve as effective disinfectant only after debris and solid material have been removed from the well.

    - When your well reaches the end of its serviceable life (usually more than 20 years) contact your water well professional to install a new system and properly close (decommission) the old well.